I used to feel like “Something is Missing in my Life” [How to Become Completely Complete]
You are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.
Colossians 2:10
It never had occurred to me that something is missing in my life.
Before I was saved by Christ I thought I had everything. I was a doctor who had graduated number one in his class, had graduated from the finest schools, was working in a successful practice, had married a beautiful wife, had two sons, drove a hot car, wore nice clothes, owned a cute dog, and lived in a gorgeous home in a great city. I had reached heaven on earth on my own—The American Dream.
I had done it! I solved the maze of life. How did I feel?
I was lonely, frustrated, unfulfilled, empty, bitter, disenchanted, and confused. Something was still missing in my life. None of my achievements, possessions, or experiences ever brought me what I thought they would. I had tried to fill my heart with hobbies: running, triathlons, wine, and mountain biking; possessions: sports cars, large home, jewelry, clothing, watches, and stereo equipment; entertainment: movies, vacations, and fine restaurants; people: parties, cultural status, and many friends. Each of these satisfied temporarily, but their allure and attraction always faded quickly, sometimes almost overnight or even during the experience.
It’s not easy for someone to realize they have nothing when they think they have everything. Incomplete means something is missing.
What could I possibly be missing?
How could I be incomplete?
I was stunned after I was saved to learn how much Jesus had done for me. That learning process was also a revelation of how dead, lost, and incomplete I really was despite having solved The American Dream. All of the missing pieces that God added to the jigsaw puzzle of my life revealed all of the holes I used to be blind to.
Jesus completely completed me.
In Christ I am completely forgiven, saved, reconciled, justified, loved, cared for, and protected. He completes every need, desire, weakness, flaw, and purpose for my life. He gives me the power to be who I am supposed to be and created to be by His love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. His grace, mercy, and blood completely cover me when I screw it up. I am completely complete in Jesus!
Does your heart echo “I feel like there is something missing in my life?”
If you are a Christian, then knowing what Jesus has already done for you is the answer.
If you are not a Christian, then knowing Jesus for the first time is the answer.
Greg V, TheWord MD